The Tap: Pouring a Promising First Pint

I was lucky enough to snag a reservation for the soft opening of The Tap this week. The Tap has already established locations in Bloomington and Indy, and chose West Lafayette to host their newest outpost. This long-awaited sports bar/brewpub mashup is trying to get on their feet during a difficult time (lookin’ at you COVID-19), but I think they are definitely on the right track.


The Tap has chosen a prime location on the corner of State St. and Chauncy Ave. within very easy walking distance from campus and a few major bus stops. For those travelling by car, parking in that area is always a little bit of an issue; but risk (or walk from campus) and you shall find. 😉

Mood and Ambiance

I would describe the mood as relaxed, friendly, and easygoing. There are plenty of sufficiently sized flat screens for watching your game. At this time, only patrons 21 and up are permitted to enter The Tap, so I wouldn’t really describe it as “family friendly”; I’ll let you decide for yourself whether that is an advantage or disadvantage. Attire is casual, but you wouldn’t look out of place with a “real” shirt or summer dress. Everything is crisp, clean, and new, but not in an uninviting way. I would say that the focus was 55% bar 45% restaurant. For those with local experience, if you enjoy Lafayette Brewing Company, The Pint, Chumley’s, or BRU Burger Bar, there is a solid chance you will enjoy The Tap.


It was extremely chaotic at peak dinnertime on their soft opening, but they handled the situation with more composure than I anticipated. Our wait staff, while just a teeny bit overly-attentive, was very prompt and professional and generally did a great job.

The Food

The Tap follows usual brewpub menu guidelines with an Apps, Burgers, Pizza focus. No complaints here. The burgers looked delicious, so naturally, I had to have one. I chose the Beer Cheese Burger, because it felt like the dish most representative of their offerings. It was so good, cooked to the level of doneness that I requested, smothered in cheese dip, delightfully seasoned fries, and aioli for dipping included. What more can one ask for? I was also able to sample the burger of the month, the Bacon Jam Burger. The slight sweetness of the bourbon bacon jam, also available on non-monthly sliders, was an excellent addition to the flavor complexity, and a nice alternative for those not in the mindset to have their burger doused in cheese (it happens?). The menu appears diverse enough that it would suit those seeking gluten free and vegetarian options, as well, but you can check it out yourself right here.

The Drinks

Where to start? So, obviously as a brewpub, the house beers were a prominent feature. They had nine to choose from at the time that and a very helpful description packet to accompany them, which I felt gave a fair idea of the actual product. I highly recommend ordering a flight of four so that you can identify your favorite. After sampling 8/9 of their beers, the favorites of the table were Midnight Fuel (Coffee Stout), Bionic Dragon (American IPA), and Staycation (Honey Beer). They also have a multitude of guest beers on tap, several local favorites and plenty that I wasn’t familiar with (yet!). There is much left to explore. The full drink menu can be found here.

Closing Time

I look forward to seeing how The Tap adapts over time. It is a welcome addition to the tried and true Chauncy favorites—one geared more to those who drink to taste rather than drink to waste and has tasty food, to boot, a niche that I felt was previously unfilled.

If this post has put you in a beer-y mood, check out my easy Beer Bread Recipe! It’s flavor-flexible and requires only basic ingredients.

2 thoughts on “The Tap: Pouring a Promising First Pint”

  1. I live in West Lafayette, and I haven’t had the opportunity to go out and eat. All that changed when I had a hankering for a burger! My first stop was Google to read up on people’s experiences with burger joints in the area. I noticed that The Tap opened up but had no reviews that weren’t one liners. Luckily, I stumbled upon your blog and was sold! The Beer Cheese Burger paired with the Bionic Dragon really did it for me. Thank you for the in-depth review.

    1. Yeah, there hasn’t been much getting out of the house of late, but when those patties’ siren song calls, what else can you do? I’m really glad that you liked your burger and found my review useful. Stay tuned for more in the coming months!

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