Greek Isles Quiche: A Brunchtime Favorite

This quiche was whipped up one day for a lovely brunch. In other words, I woke up too late for breakfast but wanted it to seem intentional (That’s the key, y’all—call it brunch). I definitely took some creative liberties in naming this dish, but hopefully nobody minds…

Effort: Medium

Time: <1hr


4 Eggs

1 cup Half-and-Half OR ½ cup Whipping Cream + ½ cup 2% or Whole Milk

½ cup Bacon (~3 strips)

Feta Cheese ½ cup cubed or 1/3 cup crumbled

Spinach 4 oz fresh or ½ cup frozen

¼ tsp Salt

¼ tsp Pepper

¼ tsp Onion Powder (or 1 tbsp minced onion)

¼ tsp Garlic Powder (or 1 small-medium clove garlic, minced)

¼ tsp Dried Basil

½ tsp Dried Oregano

1 9-inch Pie Crust

Prep work:

Cook the 3 (or 4…) bacon strips in a skillet on medium heat until browned and slightly crispy. Don’t overcrowd the pan, or it won’t crisp up as nicely.

Remove the bacon from the pan and transfer it to a paper towel to blot some of the grease. Now is a good time to either collect your grease or dispose of the majority.

If you are using fresh spinach, as I was, you can use the same pan with the light coating of bacon grease to quickly sauté the spinach. Put about 4 handfuls or basically as much fresh spinach as will safely fit in the skillet; it reduces in volume significantly. Toss it around until the leaves have mostly turned a vivid, dark green and remove the spinach from the heat. If you are using frozen spinach, thaw it and try to wring out some of the excess water.

Chop the bacon into small strips and the feta into small cubes. If you are extremely concerned about dimensions, I would say strips of about 4mm and cubes of about 6mm, but honestly it is a matter of personal preference and what you have on hand.  Crumbled feta should work just as well for this recipe.

Bringing it together:

  1. Put the 1 cup of half-and half and 4 eggs together in a large bowl. Whisk them together until they are thoroughly mixed. If you have not yet developed a whisking technique, I recommend breaking the yolks first. Otherwise, you waste energy just sort of bouncing them around while you swirl the whites.

2. Add the salt, spices, and herbs and whisk a bit more.

3. Preheat the oven to 350°F (177°C) and position the rack just below the middle of the oven.

4. Prepare the pie crust in a 9-inch pie pan according to the recipe or package instructions. By far my favorite pre-made pie crust is Wick’s. It appears to be available only in the northeastern quarter of the U.S., but it is a great local product. I buy it at Payless (a.k.a. Kroger in in disguise).

5. Layer the cheese, bacon, and spinach in the pie shell. Try to distribute it as evenly as you can. If you are concerned about over-browning your crust, you can fashion a shield out of foil. For the edges which you can remove 30 min into the bake time.

6. I put my pie on a pan for easy carrying. Give the egg mixture a final stir (the herbs will have probably floated to the top), and gently pour it over the pie shell.

7. Pop ‘er in the oven for about 45 min. Don’t forget to remove the foil shield after half an hour if you put one. To test for doneness, insert a knife into the center as though you are preparing to cut a slice. If it comes out without egg-y residue then it is ready. Let it sit for 5 minutes, grab a slice, and enjoy!